PAYNOMINDTOUS III ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Artwork & concept: 095- 28/02/2020 | 11:00PM – 4:00AM Entry Fee: 5€ FB EVENT ↭ Alla fine di Febbraio 2017, dopo poco più di un anno di attività come rivista online e media website, abbiamo lanciato la nostra serie di eventi Paynomindtous a Torino. Ora che sono passati tre anni, a […]
Tag: guiot
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Artwork by: k095c Thursday December the 12th, 2019, 9PM – 12:30AM Bunker, Torino, 5€ entrance FACEBOOK EVENT “the idea that we need to open up our sense of identity to relations to a multiplicity of other axes or entities is in opposition to the idea of identity as something completely closed, fully-formed, and static forever. […]
Circolo ✘ Paynomindtous ⇝ DAT ‘Interiora EP’ ⌇ releaseparty ⌇ 19/06/19
Artwork by LiAra T’Soni [] Circolo.Cavallerizza.Torino + Paynomindtous | 19 Giugno 2019, ore 20:30 Cavallerizza Irreale, entrata su Via Rossini. Ingresso libero ?️?️ DAT DistorsioneArmonicaTotale live (screamo / trap) INTERIORA EP SHOWCASE ?️?️ GUIOT djset (nightcore) ?️?️ VIBRISSE (opening trap set) PARTECIPA QUI Per questa prima inedita collaborazione, le realtà Circolo.Cavallerizza.Torino e Paynomindtous presentano una serata […]
ONLY METAMORPHOSIS REMAINS: Renick Bell, XIII, Guiot @ Bunker 13/02/19
Artwork by: 095- Dagli USA alla Tama Art University di Tokyo, Renick Bell produce flussi di algoritmi per un’esperienza di live coding immersiva, in cui frammenti di codice posti in istantanea vibrazione si proiettano fino ai nostri sensi. Sintassi al silicio ripresa da Guiot, anch’essa esponente di Algorave, comunità di affiliati alla computer music […]
FAMILY MIXTAPE #12 by Guiot [2k18 XMAS Special]
PAYNOMINDTOUS presents the Family Mixtape series: a mixtape at the end of the month recorded by one of the four PAYNOMINDTOUS family Turin based members: c : pala, Guiot, Krolik, VIBRISSE. More info here and here. Guiot makes computer music on her laptop, on stage and on screen. Her DJing gerrymanders musical space into a varied […]
FAMILY MIXTAPE #6 by Guiot [June 2018]
PAYNOMINDTOUS presents the Family Mixtape series: a mixtape at the end of the month recorded by one of the four PAYNOMINDTOUS’ family Turin based members: c : pala, Guiot, Krolik, VIBRISSE. More info here and here. FAMILY MIXTAPE #6, featuring Guiot: Guiot (fl. 2017-) shares a bedroom in Torino with a laptop barely able to run […]
Road to PHASE (talk+night) | DATACRAZIA 23 Mar. ’18: GUESTMIX by Renick Bell
Oggi siamo felici di presentarvi la 33° entry della nostra serie GUESTMIX registrata da Renick Bell, computer musician, programmatore e docente di base a Tokyo. Nel suo tour europeo di questa primavera approderà in Italia in una sola occasione, raggiungendo questo Venerdì 23 Marzo la città di Prato ed il secondo appuntamento della rassegna […]
FAMILY MIXTAPE #2 by GUIOT [February 2018]
PAYNOMINDTOUS presents the Family Mixtape series: a mixtape at the end of the month recorded by one of the four PAYNOMINDTOUS’ family Turin based members: c : pala, GUIOT, Krolik, VIBRISSE. More info here and here. Input text: The ground is reflective. The ground is black. The sky is black. a red “Pay no mind […]