Ossessione Uno ✗ Paynomindtous: ℌ??????? ?????? 10/01/20

Ossessione Uno ✗ Paynomindtous: ℌ??????? ?????? Astoria Basement, 10:00PM – 4:00AM Entry Fee: 5€ FACEBOOK EVENT ?’? ?????? ?? ?? ?????????? ????? / ??? ?? ???? ???? ? ????? ??? ??????? ????? / ??? ????’? ??? ???? ??? ? ???? ??? ?? ????? ? MEO live https://youtu.be/V4aRoqkRlwA? One dying wish live https://onedyingwishpunx.bandcamp.com/? OSSESSIONE COLLETTIVA dj […]

A Voice Is Just A Familiar Noise @ Cripta747 | Torino, 28/11/2019

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE!   Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you […]

⟨ Ƭ Ʀ Ʀ Ʋ Є Ɲ Ơ showcase in Turin ⟩ 17/10/19

GIOVEDI’ 17 OTTOBRE, 9PM – 12AM T R R U E N O ?? SHOWCASE INGRESSO 5€ PARTECIPA QUI TRRUENO è un collettivo ed etichetta discografica di base a Buenos Aires, Argentina, impegnato nell’autunno del 2019 nel suo primo tour europeo. TRRUENO nasce dall’intreccio di molteplici progetti musicali, performativi e audiovisuali accumunati dall’utilizzo di nuove tecnologie […]

⟨ Ɗ Ɩ Ƨ Ƈ ƛ Ʀ Ɲ ƛ Ƭ Є ⟩ 27/09/19

Bastione San Maurizio + Paynomindtous 27 Settembre 2019, ore 19:00 – 01:00 Giardini della Cavallerizza Irreale Ingresso a offerta libera Artwork by 095- & Sasha Vergolini QUALIATIK (http://qualiatik.com) WISECRACK (Macao, Avon Terror Corps) GIGO8931 (https://instagram.com/gigo8931/) VIBRISSE (https://soundcloud.com/vibrisseduo) PARTECIPA QUI ITA ‘Discarnate’ è un progetto curato da Paynomindtous, Bastione San Maurizio e QUALIATIK in scena nei […]

Circolo ✘ Paynomindtous ⇝ DAT ‘Interiora EP’ ⌇ releaseparty ⌇ 19/06/19

Artwork by LiAra T’Soni [https://instagram.com/t_soni__/] Circolo.Cavallerizza.Torino + Paynomindtous | 19 Giugno 2019, ore 20:30 Cavallerizza Irreale, entrata su Via Rossini. Ingresso libero ?️?️ DAT DistorsioneArmonicaTotale live (screamo / trap) INTERIORA EP SHOWCASE https://soundcloud.com/d_a_t_official ?️?️ GUIOT djset (nightcore) https://youtu.be/RJTASJfHpzg ?️?️ VIBRISSE (opening trap set) https://soundcloud.com/vibrisseduo PARTECIPA QUI Per questa prima inedita collaborazione, le realtà Circolo.Cavallerizza.Torino e Paynomindtous presentano una serata […]

Reclaim The Core @Hirscheneck | Basel, Switzerland 20/04/2019

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE!     Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank […]

ESC#0 Extended Stage Conference @Bunker | Torino, 18/04/2019

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE!     Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank […]

RUNAWAY REALITY: Bilej Kluk, Noumeno, Oroboro, c:pala @ Bunker 30/03/19

Artwork by: 095-   Presenting RUNAWAY REALITY: a grime, trap, UK bass, rave and jungle night at Bunker, Torino. BILEJ KLUK Michal Plodek è tra i fondatori di BCAA System [http://bcaasystem.com/], piattaforma multimediale, net label e collettivo artistico di base a Praga che esplora i territori di confine tra installazione, opera tangibile, e flussi di […]

ONLY METAMORPHOSIS REMAINS: Renick Bell, XIII, Guiot @ Bunker 13/02/19

Artwork by: 095-   Dagli USA alla Tama Art University di Tokyo, Renick Bell produce flussi di algoritmi per un’esperienza di live coding immersiva, in cui frammenti di codice posti in istantanea vibrazione si proiettano fino ai nostri sensi. Sintassi al silicio ripresa da Guiot, anch’essa esponente di Algorave, comunità di affiliati alla computer music […]

DESTROY THYSELF: Sense Fracture, Svelto, Bosnian Hashashin @ Bunker | 26/01/19

PAYNOMINDTOUS | Sense Fracture, Svelto, Bosnian Hashashin DESTROY THYSELF https://facebook.com/events/766300337047111/SABATO 26 GENNAIO Bunker, TORINO, 11 PM – 4 AM☠️☠️ Svelto the Hakken Tuner / DJ Balli [ArteTetra / Sonic Belligeranza] ☠️☠️ Sense Fracture [Haunter Records]☠️☠️ Bosnian Hashashin [Haunter Records / Macao]☠️☠️ RESIDENT: VIBRISSE ☠️ Artwork by 095- [https://instagram.com/k095c/] Pubblicato da Paynomindtous su Lunedì 14 gennaio […]

Path Festival Preview | Verona, 13/10/2018

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE!   Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you […]

Postdigital Romance w/ Rui Ho, Avbvrn, Katatonic Silentio, Bladeblanc @ Bunker, Torino | 24/11/18

Artwork by 095-   Siamo lieti annunciare l’ultimo party del 2018 della nostra webzine / organizzazione di base a Torino con cui siamo promotori militanti e trasversali delle istanze musicali più di frontiera della scena italiana e europea. Ad accompagnare i debutti italiani di RUI HO, artista non-binaria di Shangai rilocata a Berlino, e Avbvrn, […]

It raises and spreads in the air @Bunker | Torino, 19/09/2018

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE! Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you so […]

Bunker Market Eve “Block” Party: Christ Brown▿Babau▿Visio▿Nahshi | 30/09/18

  Bunker Big Market x PAYNOMINDTOUS.it @ Bunker, Torino Domenica 30 Settembre 2018, all’interno  di Bunker Big Market X, presso il lago del wakeboard. INIZIO 18:00 – FINE 22:00, INGRESSO LIBERO ❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀ TAGS: Future club music, Hybrid dancefloor, Exotica, Dancehall FACEBOOK EVENT ❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀ ++ Christ Brown [Giuseppe Caracappa] opening djset ++ BABAU (ArteTetra) live {https://soundcloud.com/bab-u} ++ VISIO [Nicola Tirabasso] (ArteTetra, Entertainment System) {https://soundcloud.com/visi00} ++ Nahshi (Mixpak, Ashida Park) djset {https://soundcloud.com/nahshi} ❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀✿❀ Artwork by 095- [http://09five.com/] […]

MusicalZOO 10th Edition | Castello di Brescia, 18-23/07/2018

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE!   Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you […]

Non Frequenze Festival 2018 @Bunker, Torino, 30/06/2018

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE! Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you so […]

Paynomindtous ⓧ Heel Zone_ Bunker | Torino, 15/07/18

PAYNOMINDTOUS.it x Heel.zone takeover @ Bunker, Torino DOMENICA 15 LUGLIO 2K18 INIZIO 19:45 – FINE 23:59 INGRESSO UP TO YOU ( ≥ 1€) ✈ c : pala djset ✈ DJS Oblio [VIBRISSE] djset ✈ Guiot djset ✈ krolik + Weightausend live ✈ Kuthi Jinani djset ☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣ Artwork by 095- [http://09five.com/] ☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣☣ PAYNOMINDTOUS.it [Turin-based Organization, Webzine, Crew] “We aim at triggering change within the Italian music scene; we support border music styles and […]

Gang of Ducks x Musicautomatica | Bunker, 28/10/17

Pubblicato da Gang Of Ducks su Martedì 24 ottobre 2017   TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE!   Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. […]

Path Festival 2017 | Verona, 13-14-15/10/2017

  Path Festival 2017 | PAYNOMINDTOUS.IT Path Festival 2017, Verona was a total blast. See our report on YouTube at http://bit.ly/PATH-2017-VIDEOREPORTFeat. Silvia Kastel, Giovanni Lami, Andrea Belfi, mace., Shit and Shine, Nicola Ratti, S / V / N / Savana, Discipula, Donato Epiro. Support Path Festival | Morse _ Pubblicato da Paynomindtous su Giovedì 9 […]

The Italian New Wave Second Annual Summit | Venaria Reale, 14/07/17

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE!   Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you […]

Our Festival Could Be Your Life: Musica Nelle Valli 17 #ONGAPALOOZA + Video Report

Il Parco Naturale delle Valli di Mirandola costituisce un vasto comprensorio, tra i più estesi della pianura emiliano-romagnola, “caratterizzato da numerose zone umide permanenti e temporanee, piccoli stagni, siepi, filari alberati, boschetti, prati stabili con macchie e fasce di arbusti. Questi ambienti naturali sono stati ricreati a partire dal 1994 grazie alla collaborazione di numerose […]