Road to MEIFF – MEI Future Festival: GUESTMIX#43 by Francesco Galassia

  Dal 15 al 30 Settembre, nel centro storico di Faenza, avrà luogo la prima edizione di MEIFF, Future Festival di musica e arti visive promosso da FreeUSB Clubbin’ in collaborazione con MEI (Meeting degli Indipendenti), quest’ultimo attivo dal 1994 con collettivi, progetti e realtà indipendenti italiane. Diviso su tre appuntamenti principali (15, 22 e 29 […]

Club to Club Festival 2017, Turin, 01-05/11/17

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE!   Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you […]

Nicola Ratti, Donato Epiro, S/V/N e Discipula: sleep concert al Path Festival

Path festival 2017 – Lineup Path festival 2017 ?#Lineup?Una produzione: Morse _Main Partner: ESU di VeronaPartner: ArtVerona Fiera d'Arte, Festival Veronetta, Mart – Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, Soprintendenza di Verona, Accademia Belle Arti Verona, Associazione InterzonaGrazie al contributo di: APART, VISIVA, Zýmē, AGSM Verona Pubblicato da Path Festival su […]

Road to Ombre Lunghe [21-22-23/06 | Ateliersi]: GUESTMIX#19 by Merchants

  Ombre Lunghe è un format pensato e prodotto dall’associazione culturale Alivelab, di base a Bologna, che si occupa della promozione di eventi culturali e musicali sul territorio; la serie di appuntamenti sotto questo nome, rivolge una particolare attenzione alle frange più sperimentali dell’elettronica da ballo (ma non solo) di ultima generazione , come confermato […]

GUESTMIX#17 by David Edren (DSRLines): road to Zuma 2017

Cartolina realizzata da Luca Tanzini; altre 18 disponibili qui Zuma è musica, psichedelia e amore. Sarà un viaggio nel tempo e nello spazio dove si incontreranno diverse generazioni di musicisti e suoni da un mondo senza confini. […] Quante facce può avere la psichedelia? Infinite, siamo convinti. Costruendo Zuma abbiamo cercato di declinare questa parola […]

RECORDING#37: Barnacles [LIVE] @Techno Kultur 3.0 | FOA Boccaccio, Monza, 05/05/17

Technical File Date / Venue 05/05/2017, Techno Kultur 3.0 – Electronic Music Festival @FOA Boccaccio, Monza Info / Links Matteo Uggeri: Website/ Bandcamp / Discogs Barnacles: FB page / Bandcamp Matteo Uggeri graduated in Design at Politecnico di Milano and started playing in 1996 with the Der Einzige project, inspired by the industrial movement of the late […]

Club To Club Festival, Turin, 2-6/11/16 #IAMC2C

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE! Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you so […]

MusicalZOO Festival 2016 #mutamorphosis, Castle of Brescia, 20-23/07/16

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE! Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you so […]

Morse & Soho X Path Ouvertures act 3, Verona, 21/05/16

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE! Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you so […]

Varvara Festival Preview #1 @Superbudda, Turin, 14/05/16

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE! Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you so […]