GUESTMIX#98: Sicc Puppy

  28-year-old multidisciplinary artist and producer from the Texas-Mexico border, Sicc Puppy (she/her) brings a distinctive approach to sound and performance. Her work cracks open the unpleasant and the negative, revealing the disruptive, transformative, and chaotic energies within, ultimately leading to a cathartic release. This creative journey aims to bring listeners closer to the liminal […]

Track Premiere: ‘Ropes to Eternity Lead Nowhere’ by Sprælle

Artwork by Alejandra Fajardo Zarraga Nathan Germain aka Sprælle ([Sprah-lé], he/him) is a 24-yo French musician, producer, and DJ based between Montreal, Canada, and NY City, US. His work collects stimuli from multiple musical and cultural references such as contemporary laptop electronics, ambient and experimental music, as well as mainstream pop and videogame soundtracks. These, […]

Track Premiere: ♂♀ by @exmantera [Lost Memory 02 / World Canvas]

  Based in Helsinki, Finland, the cross-disciplinary platform and record label World Canvas is a hub that has been hosting over the last couple of years serious waves of experimental music in the form of conceptual post-club, glitching ambiance, and disrupted emotionalism. On their catalog have appeared cutting-edge musicians such as luxxuryproblems, Helena Pulkkinen, and […]

Track Premiere: ‘PSXLM (Psalms To The Forgotten)’ by Diagnostic and Æthereal Arthropod

Artwork by FRAMEofMIND   Diagnostic and Æthereal Arthropod are two of the main players in the contemporary industrial, experimental, and noise scene in Europe, the former being one of the projects of the Belgian sound/graphic designer Jan Robbe (UndaCova, Atomhead, Erratic), and the latter being the moniker of the Spanish musician Nestor Peixoto Aballe, who […]

GUESTMIX#81: vvonn [Saigon Collective]

The 3rd PAYNOMINDTOUS release is on its way! We’re beyond excited to present the first excerpt out of ‘Crawling, Still We Fight‘, debut EP from the producer and DJ from Brescia, Italy vvonn. Releasing April 2nd 2021 (#BANDCAMPFRIDAY!), the record is now up for digital pre-order for 1€, and it will be available for pay-what-you-want […]

Track Premiere: ‘There Weren’t’ by Cares [ZABRA]

Cover art by João Pedro Fonseca James Beardmore aka Cares is a Toronto-based musician and experimental producer from Birmingham. Influenced by his multidisciplinary background in improv and visual art as well as by his teenage experiences with punk bands in the UK, the artist resorts to audio sources such as field recordings, samples, and both […]

GUESTMIX#79: political_noize [Undicesimacasa]

  political_noize is a producer affiliated with the Bolognese crew XIcasa who plays with sounds, pushes buttons, and turns knobs to fight his obsessive-compulsive disorder. He dwells in broken rhythms, gabber Hoover (to get used to the hair loss), and fat basses. Together with Amazon Prim, DJ / producer from Brasilia known for her blend of […]

Track Premiere: ‘Within’ by THIRDWORLDLABOUR [UNIZONE]

Visuals & cassette design by Ver We’re back at the track premiére biz today with a preview from the German producer THIRDWORLDLABOUR‘s debut LP titled ‘Wiederkunft Eternal‘, soon to be released (precisely this Friday, December 11th) on Prague-based experimental label and mix series UNIZONE. Previously, the artist has long been part of the 76666 crew […]

Track Premiere: ‘Transfert’ by ANKUBU [A Flooded Need]

  A Flooded Need is a record label based in Naples, Italy that started their activities in 2019. Born from the efforts of two friends dwelling with experimental industrial, noise, bass, and breakcore, the outcome is a network that reportedly emerges from the most melancholic corners of electronic music. After Day of the Blizzard by […]

Track Premiere: Terribilis – Move in Silence [Genot Centre x Quantum Natives – Silent Night XVII]

Artwork by: Awe Ix   Silent_Night was an event format organized by the seminal Prague-based record label and music community Genot Centre together with Radio Wave which started back in May 2015 and has as of now reached its 20th episode (November 2019). Promoted by GC’s founders Ondřej Lasák and Wim Dehaen, the series consists of […]

GUESTMIX#63: Kagami Smile [Dream Catalogue, Vacuum Press]

Kagami Smile is the project of Ryan Hill from Illinois, USA, whose works of shoegaze and post-rock influenced, intimate blend of techno and ambient appeared since 2016 on outcomes such as Gin & Platonic, Vacuum PRESS / 眞空出版, House of The Leg, Pure Life Records, Tekres, Dream Catalogue, BLCR Laboratories, SØVN, and much more. The […]

A Voice Is Just A Familiar Noise @ Cripta747 | Torino, 28/11/2019

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE!   Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you […]

GUESTMIX#61: Furtherset [-OUS]

Artwork by: Furtherset Furtherset is the music project by Tommaso Pandolfi (’95, Perugia, Italy), also actively operating in the field of abstract drawing and movie making. After several appearances on outcomes such as Technowagon, Bad Panda, Homework, Concrete, and Bertrand Tapes, and following the widely acclaimed, introspective No Logic No Death on White Forest Records, the […]

Album Premiere: Eremocene by Queimada [Gin&Platonic]

  Gin&Platonic is a platform which has been releasing music and supporting artists worldwide since 2016, setting its own goal as to be the “systematic overcoming of longing“. Though the exact meaning behind G&P intriguing program would deserve a dedicated feature and explanation by its founders, we could try and pinpoint some common features among […]

Hear out ‘Sutarti: III’ by Joshua Sabin from his forthcoming LP on Subtext

  Edinburgh-based composer and sound designer Joshua Sabin is an experimental artist which has been working since the mid-2010 with extensive sample and field recordings manipulation. He released his debut record, called Terminus Drift, for the now Berlin-based label Subtext Recordings in February 2017. The outcome, founded in Bristol and curated by the Washington DC, USA […]

Album Premiere: Stairs of Emotion by Lessons in Hate [Prehistoric Silence]

Artwork and layout by Alberto Bertelli   We have already hosted on several occasion the Italian cassette / digital outcome Prehistoric Silence, surely one of our favorites when it comes to sound art, underground experimental ambient and noise music. The last PHS outing after the summer was They Are Eating All The Faeries by the youngster […]

Album Premiere: Incandenza by Guybrush [SØVN]

  SØVN is a collective of musicians and sound artists releasing their music in the form of records each one coming with an exclusive, ad-hoc type of packaging, making the record label work at the intersection of different art forms. Its operating core has been moving all around Europe over the years following the wanderings of […]


  PAYNOMINDTOUS presents the Family Mixtape series: a mixtape at the end of the month recorded by one of the four PAYNOMINDTOUS’ family Turin based members: c : pala, GUIOT, Krolik, VIBRISSE. More info here. FAMILY MIXTAPE #5 w/ VIBRISSE, which is the moniker for a bastard, two-headed, mixed gender project currently based in Turin, Italy. VIBRISSE […]

Album premiere: Erma – Cur [Fratto9]

  Fratto9 è la creatura di Gianmaria Aprile (membro dei Luminance Ratio) attiva dal 2003 nel campo di musica psichedelica e free-form, drone, improv, ambient in generale e molto altro ancora. Dopo le tre uscite del 2017, nell’ordine Re Desiderio di H!U, il lavoro untitled di Francesco Serra e Divisions di Jacopo Bacci, l’etichetta torna […]

FAMILY MIXTAPE #1 by VIBRISSE [January 2018]

  PAYNOMINDTOUS presents the Family Mixtape series: a mixtape at the end of the month recorded by one of the four PAYNOMINDTOUS’ family Turin based members: c : pala, GUIOT, Krolik, VIBRISSE. More info here. FAMILY MIXTAPE #1, introducing VIBRISSE: VIBRISSE is the moniker for a bastard, two-headed, mixed gender djing project currently based in Turin, […]

Interview: The Verge Of Ruin – Learn To Love Solitude [Setola di Maiale]

  Esce oggi 8 Gennaio 2018 il debutto discografico di The Verge of Ruin, progetto collaborativo dei Milanesi Shari DeLorian e Stefano De Ponti, edito da Setola di Maiale in formato CD ed acquistabile a questo link. Registrato in collaborazione con i musicisti Elia Moretti (percussioni), Eleonora Pellegrini (voci) e Giorgio Sancristoforo (elettroniche), Learn To […]

GUESTMIX#29: Rustee [Vykhod Sily]

Picture by: Roberto Pizzandelli [ITA] Ritorniamo nel 2018 con la ventinovesima entry della serie GUESTMIX: in questa occasione abbiamo avuto l’opportunità di metterci in contatto con il russo Rostislav Yakushevich, la mente che ha avviato in autosussistenza il concept divenuto di riferimento per gli amanti del miglior suono sperimentale di Drum’n Bass e Jungle: Vykhod […]

Album Premiere: Anything Pointless – EVA EP [Superbudda Production]

  Siamo felici di presentare oggi l’EP d’esordio di Anything Pointless, intitolato EVA e in uscita Venerdì 15 Dicembre (domani!) per Superbudda Production, l’organo di pubblicazione del collettivo artistico di base nel capoluogo piemontese. Della durata di poco inferiore a 15 minuti e suddiviso in 5 tracce, EVA EP arriva anticipato dal singolo Breathe rilasciato […]

Barnacles [Matteo Uggeri] + Sebastiano Carghini @Magazzino Sul Po | 20/10/17

Paynomindtous e Magazzino sul Po sono felici di presentare due live ad ora inediti nella città di Torino: Matteo Uggeri aka Barnacles [Boring Machines / Non Piangere Dischi] e Sebastiano Carghini [Second Sleep, Hideous Replica]. L’evento si presenta come aftershow del terzo appuntamento Overlook con Mark Eitzel [link evento] al Cinema Classico, dopo il quale vi […]

Random Numbers Showcase @Martin Pas Synth Shop & Bunker | 30/09/17

Paynomindtous. e Bunker sono lieti di ospitare il primo showcase torinese di Random Numbers [], collettivo bolognese di musicisti, producers e dj che lavorano ad ampio spettro nell’ambito della musica elettronica. Nato dall’amicizia e dal supporto reciproco tra i membri, si è rapidamente evoluto in un’etichetta che si concentra su uscite techno ma che lasciano […]

Track premiere: User from PT – Filosoficamente 283 [Arroyo]

Artwork by: Massimo Missoni Ci si aspetterebbe di sentire questi suoni nell’esplorazione di città che non dormono mai. Invece questo progetto arriva dritto dritto dalla provincia toscana. Stiamo parlando di Transizione, ep d’esordio di User from PT. Esce per l’etichetta Arroyo, piattaforma a più dimensioni che unisce musica, arte digitale, design e poesia. Arroyo: Bandcamp […]

GUESTMIX#22 by Sammartano + 10 Recommended Mixtapes

Artwork by: Cristina Ruggieri Gaspare Sammartano, musicista pugliese noto come metà del duo cult Cannibal Movie, formato nel 2011 assieme a Donato Epiro e autore di tre diverse uscite su Avorio Dischi, Sound of Cobra e Yerevan Tapes, ha pubblicato nel 2015 il suo primo lavoro in solo: intitolato Low Pitched Italy ed edito da […]

GUESTMIX#17 by David Edren (DSRLines): road to Zuma 2017

Cartolina realizzata da Luca Tanzini; altre 18 disponibili qui Zuma è musica, psichedelia e amore. Sarà un viaggio nel tempo e nello spazio dove si incontreranno diverse generazioni di musicisti e suoni da un mondo senza confini. […] Quante facce può avere la psichedelia? Infinite, siamo convinti. Costruendo Zuma abbiamo cercato di declinare questa parola […]

RECORDING#37: Barnacles [LIVE] @Techno Kultur 3.0 | FOA Boccaccio, Monza, 05/05/17

Technical File Date / Venue 05/05/2017, Techno Kultur 3.0 – Electronic Music Festival @FOA Boccaccio, Monza Info / Links Matteo Uggeri: Website/ Bandcamp / Discogs Barnacles: FB page / Bandcamp Matteo Uggeri graduated in Design at Politecnico di Milano and started playing in 1996 with the Der Einzige project, inspired by the industrial movement of the late […]

Random Numbers Split Series Vol. 3: SOMEC / Von Tesla + Full Album Stream

Random Numbers è il nome di un collettivo bolognese di musicisti, producers e dj che lavorano ad ampio spettro nell’ambito della musica elettronica. Nato dall’amicizia e dal supporto reciproco tra i diversi membri, si è rapidamente evoluto in un’etichetta che risolvesse le immediate necessità di rappresentazione e piena assistenza di ogni singolo artista e release, […]

Deison & Mingle – Innersurface [ST.AN.DA]

Ci eravamo congedati da Deison in seguito ad una corposa intervista accompagnata dal mixtape PORTRAIT#4, in cui la sua carriera ventennale veniva esplorata ampiamente, lasciando spazio anche a qualche commento sul suo rapporto artistico con Andrea Gastaldello, alias Mingle. I due hanno intrapreso una collaborazione sfociata in una trilogia di dischi – ai tempi dell’intervista […]

Filtro – Riflesso [Upside Down Recordings] + Full Album Stream

/   Siamo lieti di ospitare oggi il full stream del disco Riflesso, ad opera del duo Filtro, in uscita sull’etichetta romana Upside Down Recordings con il proprio lavoro di debutto. Angelo Bignamini [Billy Torello, The Great Saunites, Lucifer Big Band] ai nastri e Luca de Biasi [Playground, Satantango, Vhd Vhd], ai synth modulari e […]

RECORDING#31: Lyke Wake [LIVE @ Solchi Sperimentali Fest @Fanfulla, 26/02/17]

Technical File Date / Venue 26 February, Solchi Sperimentali Fest – Roma, Fanfulla 5/a Circolo Arci, Rome, Italy Info / Links Website / Discogs / FB / SC / YouTube [lyke wake / noun / British] Definition of lyke wake in English: A night spent watching over a dead body, typically acting as a celebration […]

RECORDING#21: [LIVE @Gusto Vinile, Brindisi, 21/10/16]

Technical File Date / Venue: 21 October 2016, LIVE @ Gusto Vinile Vinylpub, Brindisi, Italy Info / Links: FB / Website / Bandcamp / Soundcloud / Discogs “ solo project started about two years ago with the intention to combine elements of ambient, noise, drone and field recordings. Influenced by ambient, post-rock and drone music, usually uses electric and acoustic […]

RECORDING#18: Gea Brown [LIVE @ Inside Lottozero & Transart Festival | Kunsthalle Eurocenter, 17/09/16]

Photo by: Patrizio Buralli  Technical File Date / Venue: 17 September 2016, Sleep Concert & Inside Lottozero @ Kunsthalle Eurocenter, Lana, Italy Info / Links: The sleep concert format was first conceived – and performed – by Robert Rich in the 1980’s: this is where the inspiration for the event conceived by Lottozero hosted by Transart Festival and Kunsthalle Eurocenter […]

RECORDING#17: Stereocilia [LIVE @Circolo Arci Fanfulla, Rome, 19/09/16]

Technical File Date / Venue: 19 September 2016, Stereocilia @Circolo Arci Fanfulla, Via Fanfulla da Lodi 5/a, Rome, Italy Info / Links: Website / Bandcamp / FB “Stereocilia is Bristol based guitarist and composer, John Scott. John uses his guitar, analog synths and live looping techniques to create dense, rich layers of sound. His live show is centered around […]