Isolation Culture by His Clancyness His Clancyness sono Giulia Mazza, Nico Pasquini, Jacopo Borazzo e Jonathan Clancy: quest’ultimo, chitarrista e cantante canadese ma italiano di adozione, aveva inizialmente dato il via a His Clancyness come progetto solista, per poi estenderlo a quartetto composto da synth, basso, batteria e chitarra. Una vera e propria collaborative tour-hardened […]
Tag: musical zoo
RECORDING#12: Bienoise [LIVE @MusicalZOO Festival, Brescia, 20/07/16]
Technical File Date / Venue: 20 July 2016, Bienoise Live #clubarea, MusicalZOO 2016 / 20>24 luglio @ Castello di Brescia, Via del Castello 9, Brescia, Italy Info / Links: Website / Discogs / Soundcloud / FB “Alberto Ricca lives in a quiet, still town. He likes stories. Born in the VCO, Alberto still lives there. As Bienoise, he released albums and EPs under Concrete records […]
MusicalZOO Festival 2016 #mutamorphosis, Castle of Brescia, 20-23/07/16
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