A chat with DNTFCK founders César Ch. & Zurvolt + GUESTMIX#59

Artwork by: César Ch. When we had César Ch. over at our HQ in Turin, last December (take a look here), we also got the chance to develop a real face-to-face relationship with one half of the DNTFCK netlabel based in Mexico City and releasing material both from local and international artists. Over the last […]


Artwork by: Comastasis   We discovered the THRDEYEVSN collective/netlabel/club from Helsinki, Finland last year when the THRDEYEVSN 4.0 compilation was released, collecting about twenty tracks from Finnish producers. The track selection was actually the fourth episode of a series of various artists release which started back in 2015 with the ‘1.0’ record. The common aspects that the […]

Postdigital Romance w/ Rui Ho, Avbvrn, Katatonic Silentio, Bladeblanc @ Bunker, Torino | 24/11/18

Artwork by 095-   Siamo lieti annunciare l’ultimo party del 2018 della nostra webzine / organizzazione di base a Torino con cui siamo promotori militanti e trasversali delle istanze musicali più di frontiera della scena italiana e europea. Ad accompagnare i debutti italiani di RUI HO, artista non-binaria di Shangai rilocata a Berlino, e Avbvrn, […]