Track Premiere: ‘Hypnopompicx’ by Qeei feat. dvdv [MECHA 03 / TRRUENO]

Qeei   MECHA03 is the upcoming installment in the MECHA various artist compilation series launched by the multidisciplinary Buenos Aires TRRUENO collective/label in 2016. After the seminal episodes 01 and 02, the Argentinian outcome will publish the third MECHA later this week, on Friday 6th of November, collecting a remarkable 17 tracks from members of […]


  We’re back at our GUESTMIX series with the last mix before summer vacations. Number 72 on the list, this episode has been recorded by the multidisciplinary artist, musician, DJ, and producer MAAY aka Mayte Stevani from Buenos Aires. Affiliated with the cutting edge Trrueno collective and label from Argentina’s capital, she relocated to Berlin […]

⟨ Ƭ Ʀ Ʀ Ʋ Є Ɲ Ơ showcase in Turin ⟩ 17/10/19

GIOVEDI’ 17 OTTOBRE, 9PM – 12AM T R R U E N O ?? SHOWCASE INGRESSO 5€ PARTECIPA QUI TRRUENO è un collettivo ed etichetta discografica di base a Buenos Aires, Argentina, impegnato nell’autunno del 2019 nel suo primo tour europeo. TRRUENO nasce dall’intreccio di molteplici progetti musicali, performativi e audiovisuali accumunati dall’utilizzo di nuove tecnologie […]