ONGAPALOOZA a Torino | Magazzino sul Po, 17/12/16

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE! ONGAPALOOZA – 10 Years of Boring Machines is BM’s itinerant music festival, conceived to celebrate the Treviso-based label foundation, happened on a rainy day back in 2006. More then 70 records have been published in its first decade, making Boring Machines one of the most enduring Italian outcomes. The […]

Ongapalooza a Milano – 10 anni di Boring Machines, Santeria Social Club, 19/11/16

TURN THE SCREEN IF YOU’RE MOBILE! Are you enjoying what you see on PAYNOMINDTOUS? If that’s the case, we’d like to kindly ask you to subscribe to our newsletter, our Facebook group, and also to consider donating a few cents to our cause. Your help would be of great relevance to us, thank you so […]

RECORDING#6: Everest Magma [LIVE @Musica Nelle Valli #17 #ONGAPALOOZA, Barcsòn Vècc, 28/05/16]

Technical File Date / Venue: 28 May 2016, Musica Nelle Valli #17 – #ONGAPALOOZA [10 Years of Boring Machines] @ Barcsòn Vècc, Via Zanzur 36/B, San Martino Spino, Modena, Italy Info / Links: Everest Magma / Rella the Woodcutter / Eternal Zio Taken from Boring Machines BM059‘s statement: “Everest Magma is the latest incarnation of […]

Our Festival Could Be Your Life: Musica Nelle Valli 17 #ONGAPALOOZA + Video Report

Il Parco Naturale delle Valli di Mirandola costituisce un vasto comprensorio, tra i più estesi della pianura emiliano-romagnola, “caratterizzato da numerose zone umide permanenti e temporanee, piccoli stagni, siepi, filari alberati, boschetti, prati stabili con macchie e fasce di arbusti. Questi ambienti naturali sono stati ricreati a partire dal 1994 grazie alla collaborazione di numerose […]