Qeei MECHA03 is the upcoming installment in the MECHA various artist compilation series launched by the multidisciplinary Buenos Aires TRRUENO collective/label in 2016. After the seminal episodes 01 and 02, the Argentinian outcome will publish the third MECHA later this week, on Friday 6th of November, collecting a remarkable 17 tracks from members of […]
Tag: buenos aires
⟨ Ƭ Ʀ Ʀ Ʋ Є Ɲ Ơ showcase in Turin ⟩ 17/10/19
GIOVEDI’ 17 OTTOBRE, 9PM – 12AM T R R U E N O ?? SHOWCASE INGRESSO 5€ PARTECIPA QUI TRRUENO è un collettivo ed etichetta discografica di base a Buenos Aires, Argentina, impegnato nell’autunno del 2019 nel suo primo tour europeo. TRRUENO nasce dall’intreccio di molteplici progetti musicali, performativi e audiovisuali accumunati dall’utilizzo di nuove tecnologie […]
TRRUENO: Fighting and dancing in a post-human baroque anti-opera
Astrosuka, Bungalovv, Agustin Genoud, Candie Castillo, Tatiana Cuoco, Bosque Sin Arboles, Qeei, Volll, Flor Kurch. These are the names that compose the TRRUENO collective, a crew focused on experimental club music, sound art, digital art and much more else straight out of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Truly among the most interesting outcomes in the worldwide, […]