‘NARA – Your Favorite Dish’ on Nooit Meer Naar Huis’ ‘Working Title;’ v/a compilation

  Hi everyone, we’re back from the summer vacations to announce we took part in the v/a compilation called “Working Title;” by the Belgian crew Nooit Meer Naar Huis, where 14 different organizations were asked to participate by curating one comp track each. Our choice fell on the stunning Italian, London-based DJ and producer NARA […]

Track Premiere: ‘Pixelated Dreams’ by Julia Louise Knifefist [INERTIA EP, lieftuig]

Album Art by Julia Louise Knifefist & Aisling Phelan Julia Louise Knifefist is a 22-yo producer and lyricist based in Dublin, Ireland which has been active since the late 2010s. Their music is a dense, noise-imbued manipulation of dance music styles that are beaten to a pulp to form bloody pools of distorted kicks, overwhelming […]